If you know Henry, you know that he's an anxious pup. Subway rides, loud noises, and other dogs can send him into a barky, reactive anxiety tizzy. We've loved Only Natural Pet products for a long time, so I knew I had to test their "Just Relax" line: three natural calming aids for dogs. We put the Just Relax Calming Soft Chews, Just Relax Calming Spray, and Just Relax Calming Medallion to work for perhaps the toughest of all: fireworks on the lake!


Rochelle BaRoss is an accessory designer by day and a blogger, entrepreneur, and dog mom by night. She moved to Brooklyn in 2012 without a paying job, signed a lease on a two-bedroom apartment with five other people, and worked hard and saved for years until she could move into her own studio apartment and adopt Henry, her terrier mix.

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